Video Meetings

Video Conferencing is easy !

1. Supply your email address so we can send you an invitation to attend the video conference. Please also provide me with your Scheme name and Lot number.

2. Accept the invitation once you have received it. If you use an electronic calendar the event, date, time and link will show in your calendar.

3. To attend the Meeting you can either double click on the link in your calendar or click on the link in your email.

4. For your security please identify yourself on entering the Meeting.

5. Please don't forget to enable your mic and video so that you can interact in the Meeting. Mute your mic once you have finished speaking.

6. After the meeting is complete, 'exit' the Meeting.

7. If your Meeting is adjourned a new Meeting link will be sent to you.

Returning Officer Services is currently ready to use BlueJeans, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Meetings, Skype, Zoom and any other software our customers want to use.

Click here for a 3 minute video on using:

Video Conferencing Dos and Don'ts !

1. Be on time

2. Ensure your mic is on to speak and speak clearly.

3. Do not forward your Meeting invitation to someone else. The Meeting link will not work. An attendee must receive their own personal Meeting link.

4. Introduce yourself and ask questions at the appropriate time.

5. Mute your mic when not speaking as paper shuffling and background noise can be quite disconcerting to the host and other attendees.

6. The software allows only 2 people to converse at a time. Therefore if another person wants to ask a question, the software will not allow this to happen if you are still speaking. Even umms and ahhs or background noise will revert the mic to you and stop someone else contributing or asking questions.

7. Don't interrupt or speak over other people.